Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is categorised under anxiety disorder. When an individual witnesses or experiences a terrifying event or great trauma (e.g. severe accident, threats to personal safety), she might consequently experience a sense of insecurity or distraught. Instead of an immediate sense of insecurity or intense emotions, the individual might first undergo emotional numbness, symptoms might come afterwards in forms of re-experiencing, avoidance, physical or cognitive and psychological symptoms, e.g. intrusive memories, not remembering important aspects of the traumatic event, or irritability.
As for sex workers, fellow sisters often worry over the police’s undercover operation, revelation of own identity, being discovered by families and friends, encountering uncooperative clients, being forced to have sexual intercourse, etc. These situations result in trauma physically and mentally, which may lead to PTSD. Although workplaces might vary everyday, the risks remain the same, and repeatedly working under these concerns would only make fellow sisters experience the traumatic episode repeatedly.
Major symptoms: